It is Monday! Im finally in Chicago!!!

on 5/4/15 12:51 am - Bradenton, FL

I got my arms wrapped around my Vinnie Sue!!! I will be here till May 12th.

Well we are off to Starbucks!!Talk i n Ill check back later!


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Connie D.
on 5/4/15 1:09 am

Good morning Carla and everyone.....

Carla...I am glad you made it to Chicago safely. Have a wonderful time with Miss Vinnie!!!

Love and hugs...connie d

Connie D.
on 5/4/15 1:28 am

Good morning everyone....

It is just a gorgeous day here today. The sun is so beautiful!

I am going outside and sit and read for awhile. We have benches outside and that is where I will be. I like this time of year because the bugs aren't so bad out there yet.

I have nothing to do today except to make a few phone calls. I need to pay my rent. I always pay it a month ahead so if anything would happen, I won't have to worry if I had to miss a month. Gives me a sense of security.

I pray all is going well for Eileen today. She has a lot of paperwork to take care of today. I wish someone could be with her today. Someone is...Jesus is right by her side. God Bless her. 

I will check in later. I need to get in the shower and get this day going!! 

Prayers for our beautiful OFF Family and their families. 

Much love  and oodles of hugs  to all.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 5/4/15 2:17 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla, Connie and my OFF family:

My coworker's husband, Dan, just left with my window to get it fixed. So I'm waiting for that. In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear back from the domestic violence advocacy center about my issues. I talked to one woman there this morning who said I couldn't get a protective order because we weren't in an intimate relationshp ... HUH? I couldn't believe that. Then I asked if I could still file a criminal complaint and she said yes, but she needed to talk to this other lawyer, who was in court. Good, because I don't think this woman knew what she was talking about. Being afraid of someone doesn't happen just because you're in a sexual relationship. They can be living in your home in a nonsexual relationship and attack you, as Richard did. I don't understand why the law is protecting him and not me. 

Anyway ... I can't go anywhere until that window is fixed. I've been up since 8 a.m. I would love to go to the Y but I have too much to do so I will stay home instead.

Carla, glad you made it to Chicago to visit with Vinnie. Have fun. 

Connie, glad you are having nice weather up there. It's nice here too, although showers are in the forecast. 

Well, that's all for me. I need to call a vet and get an appointment for Juliette. She's got itchy bumpies all over her body. 

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 5/4/15 4:08 am

Hello Eileen....I am glad that Dan is getting your window fixed. They sure seem like really nice people. 

I agree...that woman you spoke with is confused. They need to jump in and help you!! Don't give in....keep fighting this. Speak to as many people as necessary. Sexual or not you need that order of protection. That makes no sense to me. There are agencies out there that can help. Don't get discouraged and give up!!! Call the police again there has to be laws for what he did to you.

Poor Juliette...she probably has bumps from all the stress she has been in. I am glad you are taking her in to get checked out.

Prayers ... hugs...connie d

on 5/4/15 6:12 am


That is bunk about not being able to get a restraining orser for a non-sexual partner. You can get it for a neighbor for crying out load.

Keep persuing this.  

Judy G.
on 5/4/15 7:18 am - Galion, OH

WTH????????? This woman insane?????? You were ATTACKED!!!!!!! You need some form of PROTECTION AGAINST THIS INSANE IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you did get something done today against him!!!!!! Please say yes you did!!! Been thinking about you all day and worrying!!!

Poor Juliette is stressed I am sure....


Eileen Briesch
on 5/4/15 8:55 am - Evansville, IN

No, got nothing done on the paperwork, got the police incident number. The window got replaced, cost me $123. By the time that finally got done, it was nearly 5 p.m. ... I had to wait all day for that. Steph and Dan came by with their little boy, and Ethan was so cute, loved my Star Wars bobbleheads ... they've been so good to me, I gave him the C3P0 and R2D2 one. He was in love with it! It's the least I can do ... Steph has been amazing helping me, and her hubby has helped so much getting that window replaced. Unfortunately, I have to wait until Wednesday now to do the paperwork because tomorrow is an election day and no one will be in the office. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 5/4/15 9:08 am - Galion, OH

OMG Eileen...NOTE THAT down also that the LANDLORD did NOT do for you!!!!!!! I feel so bad for you that you are going through all this alone there!! And to have a DO NOTHING for a landlord yet!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR

That was so nice of you to give those bobbleheads to that little guy!!! I am sure he will remember you for a long time!!!

What sort of election is going on that nobody will be in tomorrow? Strange if you ask me!!!

Hang tight better days ARE coming!!!


Judy G.
on 5/4/15 7:28 am - Galion, OH

Hello...well it was a BUSY day today!!!!!!! Got my new tenant all signed sealed and ready to move in!!!!! Lots of rents being paid today also...

Was a nice day til about 3 or so...then the rains started...BLAH!!!!!!! Was in the high 70's now its down to 65* grrrrrrrr!!!!!

One of my tenants asked me to go to Bingo with her tomorrow night. I told her if everything goes ok I guess I could go. She said she would pick me up at 530. OK. Why not? Nothing else to do.

Rick has his dr appointment at 8am tomorrow. Hope all turns out good. Thursday is my pre-op testing. Yippee. Was sitting here thinking about the last time I had this done and I can't remember any of it at all!!! WTH??? Is it because I was "knocked out" or what?

Well time to go play me games before Rick yells that my punching the keyboard bothers

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


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